Monday, October 18, 2010

A fresh start? July 09

So over the past few months I’ve gone through a lot of changes. I graduated from high school and soon going to be starting a new chapter in my life. I’ve made new friends and have lost some that were close to me. After years of a shitty relationship with my parents I’m trying to make it better. And I’m finally trying to get myself back together and be over all happy and healthy. Lately I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my relationships I have with people now and ones that have ended and what I need to do to make myself happy. Today it dawned on me that everyone goes through something shitty in their lives and everyone deals with pain. I recently ended a relationship with someone that I was really close to and I’ve been pretty upset about it. But even though we’ll probably never be as close as we were or at worst never talk to each other again something good had to come out of it. I learned a lot from that relationship and have realized its not the end of the world, even though I feel like shit about it right now, in the long run it may never matter. And the beautiful thing about it is that something that was once so great could make me sad, which makes me feel that I’m alive and just maybe for every bad thing that happens something good can come out of it. I’m always going to get hurt in life but I’m still living and I should make the best out of every situation. Relationships end whether its a romance or a friendship but you still have to move on because there’s so many people out in this world who are great people I’m sure. And if the people you think are you friends don’t follow after you or stick beside you no matter what…are they really true friends in the first place?

Also, I’ve come to the conclusion that MiffCo holds nothing for me. I went to high school and did what I had to do but now its time for me to move on. The county line feels like a prison to me and I’m dying to get out. I cannot wait till I move out to Pittsburgh. A new beginning with new people and a new environment. No one has ever believed in me when I told them about my dreams and my goals for my future but I assure you that I will do whatever I can to make them a reality. I know life can be hard but I’m willing to make sacrifices to achieve my dreams. No one ever said life is easy and I know I have to work hard to get what I want out of life.

So from here on out I’m going to do what I want to make myself happy and to achieve my goals and dreams. I wasn’t placed on this earth to satisfy others and if other people can’t respect that then they aren’t worth my time.

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